Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Happy Vawemtime's Day!"

...that's how she says it at least!! We hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day - I know we did! Ceili had her Valentine's party at preschool that morning, where we took heart cut-out cookies that we made together. Then, she got to spend the whole day with Mommy, just hanging out at home since Mommy is supposed to be on bed rest! We then went out to eat with Daddy, Nana and Papaw at Olive Garden - afterwards, she went home with Nana and Papaw and had a slumber party!! She had a lot of fun, of course - they made cookies together and she couldn't have been more proud of herself! It was nice for Mommy and Daddy to have one more evening to ourselves before Keaton is born! That is twice this week - she spent the night with Auntie Mamie, Uncle Matt and Carter earlier in the week as well! It is so nice to have family so closeby and be comfortable enough to leave her overnight - she gets special time with them, and Mommy and Daddy get time to ourselves!!
Now, we are just hanging out and spending time with our little girl these next couple of days before her brother arrives and she will have to share her Mommy and Daddy for the first time! We will be induced Monday morning, so stay tuned for pictures - probably not until the end of the week or so by the time I get around to it!!

1 comment:

Nana Mennel said...

I am glad Ceili enjoyed her Valentine's Day. I know she was proud of the cookies she had made with you for her party. Of course, papaw and I enjoyed going to dinner with the three of you and then having Ceili all to ourselves. Not sure who had more fun, Ceili or us!!