Monday, December 08, 2008

A First for Miss Ceili

Ceili, like I have said before, just doesn't have hair that grows at anything but snail speed! In her almost 3 1/2 years, she FINALLY had enough hair to go to Cookie Cutters for her very first haircut!! I am hoping the 3 inches they cut off will help her hair grow a little quicker (maybe at turtle speed) and get a little thicker! She had a good time, sitting in the pink Barbie chair and watching Dora while she got her hair trimmed! She did such a good job, and even though I got a little teary-eyed, we all love her new haircut!! Here are a few pictures from her adventure at Cookie Cutters. The first one, I had the hairdresser hold the comb up to show how much she was cutting off...not too much, but enough!! Check out her hairdo in the second picture - I think she could make a fashion statement with those pigtails and clips!! Ceili had such a good time that the next day, she asked me if she could get her hair cut again!

1 comment:

Nana (Deb Mennel) said...

It's hard to believe it took her 3 years to have hair long enough to have it cut. She still talks about having it done, I think she enjoyed it.