Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fun in the Leaves

Since the leaves were falling and Daddy was going to cut the grass, we decided to rake the leaves up and let Ceili jump in them...over and over and over again!! She had so much fun that she tried telling Daddy to not get her leaves with the mower!! But before we could go out (and before she would let me take her picture), she had to have a drink of her sprite (above). This (below) is the result of letting her drink her sprite before I started taking pictures!!And here are a few pictures of our little girl having fun in the leaves...

(Click on storyboard to make larger)
Then, she decided she wanted to play in the trees and the logs Daddy has piled up for firewood...


Nana Mennel said...

Awe...those are wonderful. She loves to play outside. I just love her smile!!

Shawna said...

Awww...so sweet! She looks just like a little angel, being so sweet!